The goal with it is not to force the world down a deterministic path so it aligns with actual history, but to set up events so such a path is at least possible and to otherwise ensure to include events which are historically plausible. PDM opts to change only those mechanics we feel are necessary- though sometimes in fundamental ways - as well as including a host of new events. Others, like Divergences, opt for an "alternate timeline" approach and present an entirely new what-if world history. Some mods, like VRRP, are designed to balance the economy but otherwise keep as close to Victoria II mechanics as possible without introducing new events.

How does PDM differ from other major mods? If you have HOD then you already have AHD, and thus don't need to worry about APD.

APD, meanwhile, is "A Pop Divided"- it's PDM for the "A House Divided" expansion pack (aka AHD). PoD is "POPs of Darkness"- it's PDM for the "Heart of Darkness" expansion (aka HoD). The goal is not to change vanilla Vicky unnecessarily, but to smooth the rough edges that players experience and create a working world economy and a rich historical context for both historically-minded and sandbox players. It's become something of an unofficial expansion pack, and one that is continually growing as more and more gets added into it. It not only adjusts the economy and migration mechanics but also introduces a host of new decisions, events and mechanics suggested by a wide variety of players in this sub-forum – thus providing the mod's unofficial second name: "People's Democratic Mod".
#Victoria 2 divergences of darkness how to