- Katalon studio api how to#
- Katalon studio api manual#
- Katalon studio api code#
- Katalon studio api download#
Katalon studio api manual#
Open a test case in Manual mode, right click > Add > Mobile Keyword.Double click on the object in Object Repository folder to see list of object attribute.To get a specific attribute of a mobile element, you can use: Mobile.getAttribute() function. The path of apk such as: “ E:\\Katalon\\Apk\\Uber.apk”, true option means to start the application and uninstall it after run. Mobile.startApplication(‘path_of_apk_file’, true)
Katalon studio api code#
Click on a test case and view in Script mode, then we add two line of code into the script as below: rest api, soap api, api testing, katalon studio, tutorial, devops, testing Published at DZone with permission of Oliver Howard. Start application and close are two actions indispensable in the script. The figure below depicts the names of the library groups: List of mobile built-in keywords Application Katalon provides many libraries and built-in keywords, making it a flexible and powerful script, including group of libraries for Application operations, Device handles, Elements, Notifications, Screens, Text and so on. You can also see Katalon docs for more details. See you in the next article 🙂 Have a nice day.In this post, I will give several examples of Katalon mobile built-in keywords. If yes then please share this post with your friends as well. If response code will match then it will pass the test else failed. Get the response variable and provide input as the response variable and expected the result. Let’s add another keyword Verify Response Status code keyword which will validate the response code. Kindly provide the variable name (myresp in our case) which we will use for validation. Select Object type and click on ok button. We are using SendRequest keyword which accepts Test Object (VerifyGet) and output (optional) which will store the result. Here is the list of keywords and documentation of API testing keywords for Katalon We are using a couple of keywords like SendRequest and VerifyResponseCode keywords. Katalon already added many keywords which will help you perform different steps and validation.
Katalon studio api how to#
A single test case can have multiple steps and multiple validations depends on requirement. This tutorial is designed to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create your first API/web service test using Katalon Studio. Testcase is series of steps which you want to perform. You can also view the result in different forms like raw type and so on. It will take few seconds and will provide result in right panel which will have status, size and time taken by the server to respond. Step 1- Create a new project in Katalon StudioĢ- Provide a meaningful name to your projectĤ- Katalon support SOAP and Rest both, so in this article, we are using only Rest API.Įnter the URL of the API which you want to test and click on run button. How to Post and Delete Operation in Katalon Studio How to perform Get Operation in Katalon Studio I will be using sample application for API Testing Step 1: Create a new project File>New>Project. Web Services testing using katalon studio (Rest API). In this tutorial, We will see how to perform rest API testing using katalon studio.
Katalon studio api download#
If you have not download Katalon then first go and download the new version of Katalon 5.4.2 Link to Download Web Services testing using katalon studio is not a new feature but in katalon studio version 5.4 but really they make it very easy with some great changes. In one of my previous article, we already discussed how to download and use Katalon Studio for Web Automation so if you have not checked yet then I will suggest you go through the first post for Web UI automation. API Testing with Katalon Studio - Step by Step for Beginners. This is going to be very easy and interesting. This course is created for complete beginners.

In this article, I will cover how to perform API Testing using Katalon Studio and how to assert the various responses.ĪPI Testing- New version of Katalon support API testing (SOAP and RestFul both) and they also provided very easy UI which will help testers to automate API’s without using much coding knowledge as well. Welcome to the world of API Automation Testing.